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Both diabetes occurring for the first time during pregnancy (prevalence of gestational diabetes) and diabetes existing before pregnancy (pregestational diabetes) present a risk for complications during pregnancy and birth (DDG et al. 2021; DDG, DGGG 2018). The risk of stillbirth also increases in the presence of pregestational diabetes (DDG et al. 2021). However, a association between stillbirth and gestational diabetes has not been clearly proven (Ye et al, 2022; Lemieux et al. 2022).
In 2021, the proportion of stillborn singletons was 0.39%. The proportion is lower in women with gestational diabetes (0.25%) and higher in women with pregestational diabetes (1.1%) than in women without diabetes (0.39%). Over time, the proportion of stillbirths increases in women without diabetes (2013: 0.32%; 2021: 0.39%), in women with gestational diabetes (2013: 0.23%; 2021: 0.25%), and in women with pregestational diabetes (2013: 0.64%; 2021: 1.1%).
Overall, stillbirth is relatively rare, but the proportion increases over time. Amon women with pregestational diabetes, the increase is particularly pronounced and is higher than reported by a previous analysis from Bavaria based on the same data (Beyerlein et al., 2018). Gestational diabetes, however, is associated with a lower proportion of stillbirth. This could be due to more intensive care for women with gestational diabetes, but also because women may not have received a test for gestational diabetes at the time of stillbirth (Hutcheon et al., 2013). The Federal Statistical Office also reports an increasing proportion of stillbirths over recent years (Destatis, 2022). Rising maternal age could explain only a modest portion of the increase. Thus, especially the care of women with pregestational diabetes should be focused on and the temporal development should be closely monitored further