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Both diabetes occurring for the first time during pregnancy (prevalence of gestational diabetes) and diabetes existing before pregnancy (pregestational diabetes) present a risk for complications during pregnancy and birth (DDG et al. 2021; DDG, DGGG 2018). Diabetes can lead to accelerated fetal growth with subsequent increased birth weight of the newborn. This increases the risk of complications such as birth injuries and leads to more frequent deliveries by cesarean section
In 2021, 31.0% of all singletons were delivered by cesarean section. Women with gestational diabetes (38.2%) and pregestational diabetes (50.0%) were more likely to deliver their newborns by cesarean section than women without diabetes (30.1%). Over time, there was a slight decrease initially from 2013 to 2018 and then an increase again by 2021 in the frequency of cesarean delivery among women without diabetes (2013: 30.6%; 2018: 29.2%; 2021: 30.1%) and women with gestational diabetes (2013: 38.1%; 2018: 37.0%; 2021: 38.2%). For women with pregestational diabetes, stronger fluctuations can be observed, but with a tendency of increasing frequency of cesarean section (2013: 47.7%; 2021: 50.0%). Differentiated by age group, the frequency of cesarean section increases with higher maternal age for all women.
Overall, almost one-third of all singletons were born by cesarean section, with the proportion being higher among women with gestational diabetes and especially among women with pregestational diabetes than among women without diabetes. While there was little change over time for women without diabetes or with gestational diabetes, the proportion of cesarean deliveries among women with pregestational diabetes increased over time. Increasing maternal age could explain only a modestportion of the increase. These temporal developments are not in line with the achievement of the goal to promote a physiological birth of the national health goal “Gesundheit rund um die Geburt” (Health around Childbirth) (BMG, 2017).