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The selection of the means of transport influences the activity behaviour of a person to cover distances. Physical inactivity, that correlates with all kinds of activity in various area like leisure time, work environment, household and also when covering distances between places, represents an important risk factor for becoming overweight and developing noncommunicable diseases, such as type 2 diabetes (Katzmarzyk et al. 2022; Laaksonen et al. 2005; Schönbach et al. 2020).
In Germany, 41% of all distances (women: 36%, men: 46%) are covered by car as main means of transport in 2017. In addition, 14% (women: 18%, men: 10%) indicate being a passenger of a car. Approximately for one fifth (22%) of the all distances (women: 24%, men: 20%) the population mainly walks, while 11% are covered by bicycle. Only for 9% (women: 10%, men: 8%) of all distances the public local transport is used. The use of means of transport differs between the age groups. The age group of the 40- to 49-year-olds (56%) covers most of their distances by car. The 7- to 10-year-olds (35%) as well as those aged 80 and older (34%) prefer walking to cover their distances. The bicycle (21%) as well as the local public transportation (24%) are preferably used by the 14- to 17-year-olds. There are some differences among the federal states. It can be observed in the trend over time that the proportion of distances covered by walking has dropped slightly from 24% to 22% between 2002 and 2017. In contrast, the use of the bicycle to cover distances as main means of transport has increased slightly from 9% to 11%. The proportion of distances covered by driving a car remained constant (41%). A uniform trend cannot be observed in the use of the public local transportation.
In Germany, 41% of all distances are covered by car as main means of transport. A significantly smaller proportion of all distances is actively covered by riding a bicycle or by walking, respectively, or mainly by using the local public transport. Public health interventions, such as the expansion of bicycle paths and walkways could increase the daily physical activity of the population and could thus contribute to the reduction of the risk for type 2 diabetes and other noncommunicable diseases (Booth et al. 2019; Katzmarzyk et al. 2022).