Diabetic polyneuropathy
Over time, elevated blood glucose levels can damage both the autonomic and the somatic nerves. The most common form of nerve damage is distal, that is peripheral sensorimotor polyneuropathy that increases the risk of developing diabetic foot syndrome.
Key messages
- 13.5 % of adults with diabetes have documented diabetic polyneuropathy.
- The proportion of people with diabetes and documented diabetic polyneuropathy increases with age and peaks in the 70- to- 79-year age group.
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By state
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By gender
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By age
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By education group
No data available for selection.
In 2013, 13.5% of adults with diabetes had documented diabetic polyneuropathy (women: 12.7%; men: 14.4%). This figure increases with age and peaks at 15.8% in the 70- to- 79-year age group (women: 14.7%; men 17.1%).
Differences in documentation and diagnosis standards make comparisons between different studies and data sources difficult. According to DMP data for type 2 diabetes in North Rhine-Westphalia, the proportion of people with diabetic neuropathy is significantly higher (Zi, 2019) than in the analysis of DaTraV data presented here. Differences are particularly evident in the higher age groups, where the analysis of DaTraV data may have underestimated the proportion. Most other studies also indicate a larger proportion of people with polyneuropathy (Böhler et al., 2006, Sämann et al., 2008, Ziegler et al., 2015). To increase comparability, simplified and practicable recommendations and diagnosis standards are urgently needed. In 2011, it became mandatory for doctors to document diabetic foot syndrome when prescribing podiatric treatments (GKV Spitzenverband, 2011). This may have contributed to a rise in the documentation of polyneuropathy.
Show more information on methodology and data sources
The indicator Diabetic polyneuropathy is defined as the proportion of persons with diabetes (see indicator Prevalence of documented diabetes) with documented diabetic polyneuropathy (G63.2).
Reference population
Adults are included in the analysis if they have statutory health insurance and documented diabetes (in accordance with the definition of the Prevalence of documented diabetes indicator), have been insured for at least 360 days in the respective year, reside in Germany and have their health benefits fully reimbursed by the statutory health insurance.
Data source
Claims data from approximately all of the 70 million people with statutory health insurance collected in accordance with the Data Transparency Ordinance (DaTraV data). Around 55 million are at least 18 years old, of which around 6.6 million have documented diabetes.
- Observed values: The quotient of the number of people with documented diabetes and documented diabetic polyneuropathy in relation to the population with statutory health insurance and documented diabetes.
- Age standardisation: Direct age standardisation used 18- to 24-year-olds as one age group, five-year age groups for the ages 25 to 29 until 80 to 84, and then a separate group for the ages 85 and over. The DaTraV population with documented diabetes in 2013 was used as the reference population.
Data quality
DaTraV data are claims data on all people covered by SHI. DaTraV data include documented outpatient and inpatient diagnoses as well as information on prescribed medications. The quality of claims data from SHI depends on conduct of documentation. DaTraV data do not cover people insured by private health insurance and do not provide information on inpatient or outpatient care.